Monday, January 4, 2021

What is Wrong in Christendom?

 This is called the Great Apostasy, with all these different ideas and confusion and delusions about God and the Bible.

The simplest solution is to go back to the way it was with the original 1st century Christians.

They had no idols and no crosses, and only did what Christ taught.

There were no pagan beliefs in them, it was all from Gods Words and from the words of Christ.

About 300 CE things changed. The Emperor decided instead of killing Christians , he would take and make a new religion and to make sure he got all the pagans to come into this new Christianity, he put a lot of pagan garbage in this religion to attract these pagans into the new Christendom. It is called “Christianize it! so we can get control (Emperor and high priests) of this mess.”

It was always about the “state owned Church” and nothing in common with the Truth of the Bible or what the original Christians knew before this apostasy took place. So much of this pagan garbage is in Christendom today, still. These “protestants” did not protest far enough and got away from that religious garbage from the emperor.

And Emperor Hadrian ordered that anyone who wrote or spoke God’s Holy Name, Yehovah was to be killed (from Hebrew scholar history). They would wrap the wet scrolls if you wrote God’s name in them around your body and burn you at the stake to make sure you screamed nice ( a good example for the rest) and loud because the wet scrolls would slow the killing while the heat scorched your body. So, why would anyone want to follow these emperor’s religion? It has become the ‘traditions of men”, and has only a very tiny resemblance to Christ’s actual teaching.

So they destroyed all the original copies, with Yehovah (Jehovah, modern English) from before 300 CE or so and removed God’s name as much as possible and replaced it with the Tetragrammaton. This I speculate is why we don’t have any scrolls or codexes before that time period that are complete. And the Hebrew copies of Matthew are only scraps now.

However, the full name, Yehovah, is found in copies in Aleppo codex, Leningrad Codex and many of the Jewish writings, so far about 1000 times has been found with all the consonants and vowel sounds. This evil emperor did not destroy God’s name as he wanted.

And the Roman Church kept the Bible from the public for centuries and inflicted all this pagan nonsense on their followers. And so the tradition of this apostasy is alive and well in most all of Christendom. And people are so in love with this stuff that they seemingly will not let go of it.

For example; when I tell people there is no “god of torture and no hellfire suffering forever” in the Real Bible, they tell me I am “going to hell for saying that”. The sad thing is they believe in this horrible “god”, because it has been “drummed” into their heads since childhood. It is some sort of blasphemy to them, but they have no clue where this “hell” came from, and the early Old English translators put it in there because the king demanded it. It is a control idea, so you will do what the god ordained king tells you to do; or you will be tormented forever.

The Jews to this day don’t know why, and they have a “superstition” about writing or speaking God’s name because of this thing of being told to not speak it nor write it, (because the emperor will kill you) is now just a tradition. The cause was not clearly told to them.

People are taught this from childhood and have to go to religious school and have to do this to be “good” and so they give this form of apostasy to their children to this day. Passing down this apostasy one generation after another.

Going back before that period before this delusional apostasy, was the real Christianity of pure worship, no crosses for idol worship, no hell fire (there is no God of torture in the real Bible), no eternal soul, no idol worship of statues praying to some dead, (plastic, ceramic, wood, or any man made idol) guy who has no resemblance to Christ, no idols, no man or woman worship (saints), having the One True God’s name in the original Bible, and no pagan nonsense that came from Babylon allowed. And that Christ is the created son of Jehovah, sent by God because he loves us. Christ is God’s perfect messenger and servant, but he is not the Almighty Jehovah.

The Pilgrims tried to get free from the King’s ruthless Church, and were given a death sentence for actually reading the Bible (Geneva Bible) and worshipping Jehovah God. Many of them fled to the Netherlands, until their voyage to America. My wife and I visited there when we lived in Holland.

Finally, about 1870’s a group of Bible students started studying together and realized that religion is a trap and a snare and it keeps you from God. This group of Bible Students became Jehovah’s Witnesses and they are constantly working on complete understanding. They restored the Bible from the original language scrolls and codexes. That is a huge blessing for all those seeking the Truth.

To restore and remove all apostasy, do this:

1/ You need to go back to the original scrolls and codexes and translate the Bible correctly without any pagan Babylonian garbage. The “Truth is in this translation”.

[I personally, went back to all the old scrolls and codexes and looked up the meaning of all the scriptures that have been changed with pagan and government control garbage and fond that the NWT is correct in the original meaning of the Bible. ]

2/ You need to do what Christ taught us to do. You cannot be a Christian unless you do as Christ taught.

3/ Study the Word of God as it was originally written. Keep studying it and you will be enlightened and know the Truth and the Truth will set you free.

John 8:31

Then Jesus went on to say to the Jews who had believed him: “If you remain in my word, you are really my disciples,

John 8:52

The Jews said to him: “Now we do know that you have a demon. Abraham died, also the prophets, but you say, ‘If anyone observes my word, he will never taste death at all.’

John 8:32

and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

There are many millions who have come out of this “Great Apostasy” because it does not satisfy the spiritual need to Know God and to receive the full blessings of correct worship.

The Truth is taught at JW.ORG

1 comment:

  1. Brother Arjuna, really like reading what you post on Quora. I decide to do a search for you name and it took me here and another place. Will be following your blog. Brother Brown(Butt wipper :-))
