Sunday, January 28, 2024

Jehovah's Witnesses policies

 Jehovah's Witnesses have no perverts in our Congregations, They are removed.

And as a father of a daughter who was molested by her step dad; the way Jehovah’s Witnesses deal with perverts is correct, as it comes directly from the Bible.

We are Christ’s disciples and even Christ had to deal with evil people in his “organization” such a Judas.

As soon as a pervert is found, any pervert, they are removed. Kicked out. This is how God teaches us to do this. All those who have been kicked out have committed horrible sins against God.

When will you wake up and get a Bible study from God’s Holy People.

I am an expert on pedophilia, and Jehovah’s Witnesses have been teaching parents how to protect their kids for over 60 years. We even had a public TV announcement what was published all over the USA.

There is NO place in any Kingdom Activity where a pervert can operate as children are not allowed to be separate from their parents and are to be their actual “guardians”.

And every time a child is molested it is ALWAYS the parents fault, for being very ignorant and they should have their license to be a parent taken away. I am the parent of a molested daughter, and the regrets never leave for me being so ignorant and not knowing this. I could have stopped this immediately.

“Why did you allow that “nice brother” (pastor, priest, bishop) to have private time with your son or daughter?”

“Why did you allow your new husband to go into your daughter’s room at night?”

“Why did you let brother so and so take your daughter out in service?… Are you nuts?”

“You didn’t notice that your new husband is going into the bathroom with your daughter? Are you nuts!”

“When your daughter came home from summer camp, you did not notice how when you asked questions about; “How was summer camp?” and she clammed up and looked down at the floor?”

Every parent knows what I am saying. It is always the parents fault for being ignorant and naïve.

In this day and age, there are 1 in 3 adult men and 1 in 10 women, who are pedophiles according to statistics. It is a common disease. Millions of children are being raped right now, and most will never come to the surface.

The law cannot protect your kids: ONLY YOU CAN!

These blood sucking lawyers see money and go for it. And parents who do this give up their life in God’s Kingdom, for lying about their negligence. It is a weird, but true, psychological issue to live in denial of one's own guilt for being and ignorant and naïve parent.

I know from my research all the signs of a child being molested. Had I known how to protect my daughter she would have never had to have her sex life ruined by a pervert.

The highest percentage of perverted preachers exist in the Baptist Church. Per capita they seem to love perverted preachers, and this is just the preachers. The deacons youth pastors, who take children to the basement for children’s sex programs.

Parents have to be insane to allow their kids to go to any “children’s program.” You must not allow your child to be out of your control and GUARDIANSHIP. It is your job to know every person your child is in contact with. Even look up their criminal record as that is easy to do.

This is how we run the Kingdom Hall, NO children allowed to be separate from their guardians.

The second highest is Pentecostal, peachers.. per capita. One Church, alone had a $1.3 billion dollar settlement. That church ran a pedophile ring for 40 years before the adult children came forth. This is why pedophiles go on for a long time in Churches. The child comes to the parent and tells mom; “Pastor Bob took me to the basement and gave me a special baptism in the utility closet.” Mom says to daughter; “Don’t lie about Pastor Bob he is God’s pastor.”

Then comes the Catholics (percentage not volume), Seventh day Adventists. Methodists. Perverts are everywhere. All this data is easy for you to find.

But the absolute worst place to take your kid is a public school. Public schools are rampant with pedophiles.

Public schools are rampant with pedophiles.

Then come day care centers, massive abuse there.Christian camps, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, or School summer camp. You have to be insane to allow your child to go there! I can guarantee there is a pervert or two or three as “camp counsellors” there. Your kid may not be the target this time, but for sure some parents’ children are raped there.

Only Jehovah’s Witnesses remove all perverts from our Congregations. Others just hide the truth from themselves.

Saturday, April 29, 2023

Why is Life on Earth so Messed up and What is the Cure?


Here is the PROBLEM for most people today. I will try to make it clear:

  1. When people are born at any time on earth, they think their existence is just how it is. Somehow this is how life just is and it is not going to be any better. And putting faith in humans will magically make life better.
  2. The struggles and emotional and mental problems we have are an accumulation of human stupidity passed down, generation to generation, and parents, just teach the same belief system they learned to their kids; “Mommy, why am I sick, and feel so bad?” mommy says; “Don’t worry this is normal.” They never stop to think; “Is this really normal?”
  3. Example, kids state the obvious until they are taught out of it. “Mommy, this is not right! No one should ever be sick?” The child is correct.
  4. When exposed to death over and over and over, people think this is normal also. But is death really “normal”? Is death a real thing in your being? Or is it just more of the crap that has been put on us by human stupidity? The second reason is the real answer.
  5. A long time ago, humans had a connection with God, the Creator Jehovah, and God had some simple rules to stop them from screwing up their lives with full health and no death, and no mental illnesses, no cancer, no diabetes, no disease at all,  no old age, and no death…
  6. When people followed a stupid idea from this evil alien who told them they don’t have to listen to God, just do what you want. If you listen to me, “you will be like God and know good from bad.”
  7. Since then this act of defiance from our ancestors has resulted in this constant degradation of human life on earth. We started out with no genetic diseases, no pathogens could harm us, because our immune system was so powerful. A cancer cell would be destroyed in an instant. Instead we are now so degraded that cancer cells are not stopped by the immune system.
  8. So, because our ancestors and our parents did not listen to God and flourish and be healthy and happy, they made the decision to screw up life on earth, by not following even the most simple rules for healthy reproduction. All of this is found in the Bible and proven by modern molecular biology and medical journals on what infected reproduction does to our offspring. The Bible is 100% accurate on all life and health issues right down to the molecules / DNA of our beings and all life on earth.
  9. The results from my long and arduous study and research on human diseases, is we give all of them to ourselves and they are caused by infected sex at the time children are conceived.
  10. Viruses do two things to human cells which make up our bodies. 1/ destroy the cells as with COVID’s coronavirus. 2/ mutate and change the cells DNA which if the child lives is now a new genetic disease. This is obvious, just as death is an idea that is not acceptable to humans. 
  11. Today we have a pandemic of sexually transmitted diseases, and the CDC has issued this statement that there is NO SAFE SEX, for the most part, and the only possible safe sex to give you a chance for better health, is for YOU to not be infected, and find a mate who is not infected and never go outside that marriage for sex. This is exactly what the Bible teaches, by the way. If you want to not infect and mutate your kids.
  12. 120 years ago the average mutations or changes causing NEW genetic diseases was 2 to 3 per generation. This is because of LESS sexually transmitted diseases. Before industrialization people mostly lived away from cities on farms and small towns. The main rise in new and horrible genetic diseases came after 1914 and has just increased almost logarithmically. 
  13. Now we have on average 40 to 50 mutations every generation and we are completely losing the battle to save the human species.
  14. In my studies I found NO cases of childhood cancer in the 1800’s not one recorded death by cancer on a death certificate. Now, cancer is the number one disease killer of Children. And the fastest rising cancer is in unborn babies with spinal and brain cancer tumors.
  15. Brain cancer is now the number one killer second is leukemia. Humans cannot understand that infected sex is the cause, because they are blind to that. They are driven by sexual dysfunctions and compulsions and random sex is approved by society. It is literally causing the extinction of the human race.
  16. All the above is just a drop in the bucket of the ignorance and evil destroying human lives on earth. When you add greed, lust, anger, hate, ignorance, war, murder, stealing, extortion, and all those “wonderful” LEARNED and conditioned diseased ways of thinking. Humans do not have a chance to fix this.
  17. Humans are the problems and humans cannot fix this problem. Most humans are on “auto pilot” just doing the same or worse stupid nonsense that caused all of our problems in the first place. And worse they think this form of life is “good”. We can see the results in all the dead people dying way to young, and children now dying from old age diseases.
  18. Last time I looked the fertility doctors are testing DNA of fetuses for over 18,000 genetic diseases, just so they can choose which diseases their child can have. NONE are born without some horrible disease, in other words.
  19. So, the Child says to mommy; “Why do we have doctors?” mommy says; “Because that is normal.” Our ancestors had no medical at all, and they lived and reproduced for thousands of years. It wasn’t until children were dying like flies on RAID that we discovered vaccines by accident, when milk maids who milked cows with cowpox did not get sick with smallpox. Necessity is the mother of invention.
  20. So, today according to MD’s I have chatted with; humans would not live past 15 to 25 years as old age, and most children would die before the age of 5 without artificial life support.
  21. So, how is humanity doing as far as fixing any real problems? Has humanity’s decision to play god, worked out so well?
  22. There is a cure for all of this, and it is found in the Bible, in God’s perfect plan to reverse all this horror story on earth. And it makes perfect scientific logical sense. After all God has the supreme mind. This plan has been ongoing for centuries and most people don’t even understand there is a way out.
  23. False religions such as Christendom, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc OBVIOUSLY have completely failed to even begin to understand the way to “salvation”. All of those religions were created in order to control people by, EVIL politicians who realized that religion is a power and control mechanism. All main religions do not have the Truth from the Bible and do not understand the Bible or any of these ancient scriptures that I have read. They all have the ‘secrets’ to life but people are living in delusions that, somehow this horror show on earth is “normal”. That there is this “magical cure” of salvation found in some false religion.
  24. And people actually think that “science” can fix this mess. Human science is very stupid and is just as ignorant and these false religions because it is the “blind leading the blind” into extinction. When you ask any of these “scientists” what is the problem with humanity, they cannot even begin to look at themselves and say; “We are the problem. All humans are the problem.” Einstein said that academic science is like a fellow who climbs on his roof and declares with certainty; “From here I know everything. After all I have a PhD and people praise me!”
  25. What we have is human ignorance and blind people leading blind people to extinction.
  26. So, the ONLY choice is to read, understand and find the Truth from God’s Word. The REAL Bible and not some badly translated “religious” Bible from some evil king.
  27. Once you get that this message written down by chosen prophets over some nearly 1600 years and each are telling the same exact message, then you will understand it. How is it possible for 40 plus humans to write the same message and most never even knew each other? This is because GOD inspired them to write this. And in it the secrets for your life and restoring life on earth is contained. And the message has almost nothing in common with what Churches teach (especially with mistranslated religious Bibles), as you can see they are a complete failure to stop this human genetic suicide. And they actually promote it by telling lies that “you can continue to harm life, in ignorance, and are saved.” The BLIND LEADING THE BLIND.
  28. This message of the Bible is about God’s Kingdom on earth, where all health and joy for living will be restored once and for all time. It is the most logical and rational and so precise way to fix this. Once you understand it your life will drastically improve and it has no “magical thinking in it.” Actually, magical thinking is a mental illness and God forbids you to believe in magic in his own words recorded in the actual Bible.
  29. If you want to know the way to life, there are only one group of people on earth who have this message of the Bible understood, because they have researched every word in the Bible and cross referenced every scripture so that YOU can understand the message. This work has been under Christ’s guidance for a long time, and ONLY those who can even begin to understand and are predisposed to life, or are fed up with all these lies, (as I was) will want to know the Truth.
  30. Contact Jehovah’s Witnesses and learn the REAL way to life in God’s Kingdom where he will restore this earth and restore your health for all those who can understand God and learn that God really does love us enough to CREATE the Jehovah's Witnesses to help each other out of this mess. Read my story on this.

Saturday, October 1, 2022

Blood Transfusions are deadly.

 Jehovah, the Creator of the universe forbids blood transfusions.

It is in the Bible, and if people don’t obey God’s Laws for health and life then they are not Christians.

James Arjuna's answer to How many Jehovah's Witnesses have died from refusing blood transfusion? How many JWs went against their teachings and allowed blood transfusions for their children? Were they disfellowshipped?

There is FAR MORE RISK OF KILLING YOUR CHLID BY GIVING THEM BLOOD than not giving blood: proven statistically by actual cases. And when the patient dies from the blood transfusion, that is not usually on the death certificate. “They died from complications in surgery” or whatever. The smart thing a parent would do is to refuse to put that poison in your child. This is why all of the latest training on doing major surgery is ALL about doing it without the poison of blood.

And if you live, you live in Jehovah, if you die you die in Jehovah.

A new perspective on best transfusion practices

bloodless surgery - PMC - NCBI

Not giving blood is the BEST solution to this problem. People heal much faster and there is a much better chance of living without the poison that your body recognizes as poison blood. Proven over and over by studies.

Adverse events related to blood transfusion

The REAL question is how many millions of patients have died because they were given a blood transfusion?

Opinion | My Husband Died of Blood-Transfused AIDS (Published 1991)

Wife describes husband's horrific death after he was given infected blood

Woman diagnosed as HIV-positive 3 years after husband's death

Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection in Transfusion Recipients and Their Family Members

After death of St. Luke’s patient, review uncovers 122 issues with blood labels over four-month period

Woman died following transfusion of wrong blood type: Report

Bad Blood? Why Transfusions from Women May Be Risky for Men

How a mysterious ailment ended Eleanor Roosevelt's life

Infected blood inquiry hears evidence from woman who lost two husbands

Precautions and Adverse Reactions During Blood Transfusion - Blood Disorders - Merck Manuals Consumer Version

If you love your children, love your spouse, you would never allow any MD to put that poison in them.

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

What About the King James Bible?


I like the KJV of the Bible, and have been reading it for over 64 years, now. But I also know where all the evil king’s mistranslations are.

The language is obscure today, and I think I might be the only person left living who understand the idiom of this Old English. The evil Emperor Hadrian’s and Constantine’s Catholics kept the Bible in obscure languages also so that people would be at the mercy of Priests to “interpret” the Bible for them. How sick is that? And today, if you go to the “online Catholic Bible” it states that they don’t believe in the Bible but the Church has the authority on doctrines.

The King James was a tyrant. The records on hims, like most lying writers about the “valor” and “holiness” of kings is crap. He was, a power crazed, fear of loss, tyrant as all these old kings were. But you will not find the truth in any writing on these evil atheist kings who used religion as a power and control mechanism. “The sun never sets on the British empire!”; because “if you don’t do what the king says we will kill you. And if you don’t become a member of the kings religion we will also kill you. “

“If you don’t do what this “God installed King” tells you to do you will rot in some (fictitious) hellfire forever.” It wasn’t bad enough living under a tyrant, that people would just want to die and give up that horrible life, they were taught, from childhood (as it is today in Christendom) it was MUCH worse for them to die if they don’t conform to the king’s religion.

When I first read this crap in the KJV of the Bible, I started to notice that every contradiction about God, had this same “power and control” concept behind it. It is obvious to anyone with intelligence. And every contradiction in the KJV is easy to spot because it does not follow any of Christ’s actual teaching and it contradicts the rest of the Bible, which has the actual truth in it.

And, of course the King really liked the fact that God’s name be removed from his Bible. I think the “translators” must have slipped Psalm 83:18 and in about 6 other scriptures, in there and the king missed that one. They also put God’s name in Hebrew at the top of the title page of the first edition of the 1611 KJ Bible. With all the vowel sounds and consonants. “YEHOVAH” Clearly spelled out in Hebrew top dead center. And for those who are against God’s Holy name as “Jehovah” the original pronunciation of a “J” in English has a “Y” sound, as it does in many languages still today. Why are religious people so ignorant on this. It is so easy to research all of this.

When I studied with God’s Holy People, Jehovah’s Witnesses, I was told the NWT was crap and evil and other such “nice” comments on it, by these “rabid” believers. So, I asked them for any scriptures they did not like in the New World Translation and, as a research scientist (for most of my life) I researched the original meaning of the words in the oldest copies of these original language scrolls and codices.

It turns out that the New World Translation , is correct on 99.9% of the words and the context of the original meaning of each scripture. There is only two scriptures that have a slight variation from the original. “There is no “that one” in one scripture, but “that one” has no effect on the meaning. Most likely the word was “it”. And the idea that the “government” now and when it was written, was installed by God (the king is God's representative) is a direct contradiction to the rest of the Bible. But it is still a good idea to follow all the laws of any country you live in UNLESS they are a direct violation of God’s Laws. In those days of the Israeli kings, like David, they were installed by decree of God. But not in Paul’s day.

I have my doubts that that scripture is in the original writing of Paul. Because it contradicts:

“The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one.” And so that would say that evil emperors, kings, presidents, and all politicians are part of this evil system (and we don’t vote for them and support this evil system). Which from absolutely irrefutable evidence is that the majority of political people, are corrupt, greedy, mostly sexual perverts, and evil. And today with the internet you can do research on any politician and see if they are corrupt or not by the fact that over 1/2 of these congress people are multimillionaires on a salary of $165K a year. Hint; to live in Washington DC, in a nice area, on that wage puts you in a one or two bedroom apartment, unless you live in a slum area of DC.

And today, any politician who is a humanitarian, and supports the people of their country. Supports health, prosperity, and welfare of the average citizen (and not the welfare of the politicians and their cronies) is character assassinated or just plain killed, assassinated. The presidents who have been assassinated can be researched on their policies, and that is what you will find. Most people, today, actually believe the false news from corporate America, and never research anything.

And Jehovah’s Witnesses are allowed to have freedom of thoughts and freedom to live according to what they know the Bible teaches. And that is why Jehovah’s Witnesses are totally united in faith, and in ONE Truth. God is Love, Compassion, Mercy, and Justice, and we love the real God of the Bible, Jehovah, who would never harm anyone without Just cause.

The New World Translation of the Holy Bible is the best there is. It has the correct message from God and is easy to understand in modern languages. It is a pure gift from our Creator to have this.

Having the Bible in understandable languages and corrected to the original scrolls and codices makes it so that “false religions” cannot mess with your mind. Because if it is not in the Bible, it is most likely crap doctrines of false religions. So, Jehovah’s Witnesses, using ONLY the Bible are completely understanding it and are united in faith.