Saturday, August 3, 2019

Stuff to READ.

Why are all terrorists Muslims?
Some people think that Muslim religion is also a religion of peace. And the Quran is equal to all religions. It has been taught. But once the Quraan is written I see it. What has I told the Quran about the meaning of non-disbelieving Islam (the godfearing, idol worshiper) who is a kafir and a Musharik?
And the Muslim religion gives a message of peace. And gives respect to women. See this.
(The following dialects are of the Koran, which has been translated into Hindi. If you are not sure about it, you can see all this on the Google Play Store called the #Kuran_Hindi.)
1) (Sura 9 At-Taubah: Rectangle 5)
When the month of Ramadan passes, then those who do not believe in Allah (Mushrik), kill those who meet them, grab them, and when they accept Islam they leave them.
2) (Sura 9 At-Taubah Ayat 28) - Musharik (People of other religions who believe in other gods except Allah) are just unholy
3) (Sura 9 Un-Nisa: Rectangle 101) - Opposers of the Muslims who are celebrating other religions
4) (Sura 9 At-Taubah: Rectangle 123) - Fight with other people who have other religions with you.
5) (Sura 4 An-Nisa: Ayat 56) - Those who denied the revelations of the Qur'an, shout them in the fire. When their skins are soaked in them that they keep on enjoying their torture
6) (Sura 9: At-Taubah: Ayat 23) - Keep on persuading Allah. Do not make your father and your brothers as your friends, if they respect the people of Allah, those who respect other religions are dear to them. If any of you make them your friend, then such people will be oppressors
7) (Surah 5 al-Mida: Ayat 57) - Celebrate Allah! Those who were given a book before you, who have made your religion a laughing-stock, do not make them and your friends to deny
8) (Sura 33: Al-Ahzab: Ayat 61) - Whereas some of the detainees will be caught and killed badly.
9) (Sura 21 al-Ambiya: Ayat 98) - Those who believe in other religions except Allah
Hell is fuel. You kill them
10) (Sura 32. Un-Sacrifice: Ayat 22) - Those who do not believe in the verses of the Qur'an are the culprit. You go and take revenge on those criminals
12) (Sura 8 al-Anfal: Ayat 69) - The spoils of the spoils that you have acquired by killing the infidels, eat it as lawful
13) (Sura 41: Fusil: Ayat 27) - Therefore, we must surely taste those tortures of those who have refused to accept Islam;
14) (Sura 41 Fusil: Ayat 28) - Burn the devils who do not believe in Allah.
15) (Sura 9: At-Taubah: Ayat 111) - By persuading Allah, his life and his goods have been bought in exchange for him that he is in ecstatic condition. They fight in the way of Allah, they kill and even die.
16) (Sura 8 al-Anfal: Ayat 65) - O Allah! All Muslims make jihad If 20 Muslim men will be deposited, then they are equal to 100 kafirs (non-believers). Kafir is naive
17) (Sura 5 al-Maida: Ayat 51) - O Allah! You do not make Jews and Christians your friends. They are mutually mutual friends against you. Those who will make them their friends, they will be from among those people. Undoubtedly Allah does not show the way to such Muslims
18) (Sura 9: At-Taubah: Ayat 29) - Those who do not believe in Allaah and make the Messenger of Allah a haraam, fight such a kafir (people of other religions) and wherever they are ruling they have power Get out of And wherever you are ruling, reap the rewards from the Kafiro.
19) (Sura 4 An-Nisa: Ayat 8) - Ungodly (All people who do not believe in Allah) People want all Muslims to become unrighteous. No Muslim should make such unrighteous people as your friends. Till they do not believe in Allah. And they refuse to confess Islam to kill them.
Heterosexual people never had a friend or a helper of a Muslim
20) (Sura 9 At-Taubah: Rectangle 14) - Fight with them (from heretics). Allah will punish them with your hands and humiliate them and in their favor he will help you. And the hearts of those who believe will mourn
21) (Sura 9: At-Taubah: Ayat 14) - Do not disbelieve in Allah, do not disbelieve them. This work I will help you
22) (Sura 9 At-Taubah: Ayat 37) - Allah does not show the way to the people who disbelieve.
23) (Sura 9: At-Taubah: Ayat 68) - I will burn men and women of ignorance and ignorance. And hell will remain forever
24) (Sura 5 al-Maida: Rectangle 14) - I propagate the spirit of hostility and hatred among the Christian people, it is an enemy of Islam.
25) (Surah 3, Al-Aimran Ayat 28) - Do not make God's followers your friends. And those who make such people their friend, they will have no relation with Allah.
26) (Sura 8 al-Anfal Rectum 7) - Do not disbelieve in Allah.
27) (Sura 8 al-Anfal Ayat 13) - Those who oppose Allah and the Qur'an, harsh torture
29) (Sura 8 al-Anfal Ayat 14) - God forbid those who do not believe in me.
30) (Sura 8 al-Anfal Rectum15) - When you are with an army, then if there is no god in front of you, then face him, do not turn back from him.
31) (Sura 2 al-Baqra, import 191) - Wherever you find kafir (non-believers), then control them, kill them and get them from there where you are the majority. Conquer and kill them with kapiro. This is the reward of those who do not believe in Allah.

What is the respect given to women in Quran?
1) Sura 2 Al-Bakra Rectangle 222 - Menstruation: Women become a thing of filth and shredder then overcome them and stay away from them.
2) Sura 2 Al-Baqarah Rectangle 223 - The woman is cultivating your way of using it as it is.
3) (Sura 4: Import 3), (Sura 23: Import 5-6, 33:50 and 70:30) - Reality of sex with slaves, prisoners and captive women.
4) (Sura 65: Import 4) - The wife of the wife who has not been married now has three months of age.
5) (Sura 33: Verse 37) - The father-in-law can intermarry with the mouth of the son for his mouth or lap.
6) (Sura 33: Verse 33) - Women should stay in the house without any decoration.
7) (Sura 2: Rectangle 228) - The status of men is more than men.
8) (Sura 2: Rectangle 230) - A divorced wife must first complete the marriage, physical relationship and divorce process (Halala) from another man before marrying her first husband.
9) (Sura 2: Ayat 282) - The testimony of two women will be equal to the testimony of a man so that if one forgets the other, then remind him.
10) (Sura 4: Rectangle 11 and 12) - The share of the boy's property will double the girl, the mother and the Bibi part will be 1/3, 1/4, 1/6 in different circumstances.
11) (Sura 4: Verse 34) - Husband has spent his property on his wife, so bereave your wife when you need it.
12) (Sura 8: Rectangle 69) - War, all the goods and women that I have robbed are for you. To avoid the eyes of men, all the women wear a veil. If a woman accuses a man for raping a man and if the man does not accept the charges, then the woman must present four witnesses who have clearly seen the mail of their genitals otherwise the woman will be sentenced to 80
13) (Sura 24: Verse 4) Nihāh means only a legal contract, no love or any relationship. The mistake is to be of anybody, but the wife has to do the same thing, and for the men in the alleged paradise, there is no need for women but there is nothing for women.
14) (Sura 4 An-Nisa Imports 3) - And if you suspect that you can not judge the orphans (orphans), then those two or two or three-three or four- Marry four. But if you suspect that you will not be able to deal with them equally, then just sit on one, or just sit on that lady who is in your possession.

Thursday, August 1, 2019


By Chianti - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

Burning coal, natural gas, and petroleum is GOOD for the environment!  This is well known in natural science, before the paid off and not so smart scientists we have now.  Greed mixed with need seems to be the problem.  If you want to destroy the competition then make it "evil" in people's eyes.  This is how all wars are validated and started, and how Al Gore has made some 100,000,000 bucks of this lie.  Vilify oil companies, who are just people selling a product in a very competitive market.

That product came from organic life found on the earth.  Wood, dead animals, dead marine life, dead vegetation.  All created by the sun with photosynthesis in vegetation converted to food, converted to carbon based life on earth.  If you want to get rid of your carbon "foot print" then stop breathing, literally.

Burning hydrocarbons is the same as any natural fire.   And the evidence that coal soot is good for the earth is also there.  It is not good to breath it directly. But letting it disperse and be neutralized absorbed in the soil,  and the gasses used by trees and vegetation is GOOD for life.

Sugar:  The chemical or molecular formula for sucrose is C12H22O11, which means each molecule of sugar contains 12 carbon atoms, 22 hydrogen atoms and 11 oxygen atoms. Sugar is used in model rocket fuel, but is not considered evil, except by diabetics.  All foods are carbon based foods.

So how can a NATURAL chemical produced by the earth in any form be "evil".  The answer is it can never be bad for life, and the earth has the means to recycle every chemical.

The chemical formula for gasoline is C8H18, and when it burns it puts out C8H18 + 12.5 O2 → 8 CO2 + 9 H2O (1)  Which is CO2 and Water. 

  It is the "unburned hydrocarbons" and sulfur, along with some chemical treatments in the gasoline,  that are not expelled as water and CO2 that are bad to breath.

It is well known that trees, particularly pine trees clean the air, and seaweed and undersea vegetation also cleans the water.
And each human puts out a LOT of CO2 every day.  There is a company called "EcoSorb" who use pine tree resin to make a chemical neutralizer used at fiberglass and chemical plants and even sewage plants.

" In 2008, chemists Istvan Lakatos and Julianna Lakatos-Szabo of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences theorised that less than 100 billion tonne of crude oil has been produced since 1850 and that the average annual production rate is less than 700 million barrels per year."
A barrel weighs close to 285 Lbs average, depending on the density of the crude. 

If smog is so horrible, where is it all?  Why are we not chocking to death in smog?  When we have a lot of people living in congested cities without enough air flow to remove the "smog", people think that gasoline is evil. 
If we stopped burning so much in a very small area with congestion and inversions that hold the smog, there would be no one thinking that gasoline or diesel fuel is bad.  Over all the results of burning it is good. 

The answer is OBVIOUS, the earth has many uses for these chemicals and it has natural ways of neutralizing and converting VOC's to not be harsh chemicals any longer.  Never listen to people with an agenda to make a lot of money by destroying life on earth.  The wind turbines are destroying a lot of life right now. They kill about 2,000,000 birds a year, and are toxic to animals from just the VERY LOUD low frequency sound they make. This makes animals crazy and they cannot live within 1600 meters of them.

For some reason whenever humans try to fix things, there must be huge profits in it.  Every form of cheap energy development has been stopped, because it is bad for the economy.