From the standpoint of Life, Health and Psychology, the principles of these laws were clearly about maintaining HEALTH, and not infecting the tribe with mutagenic pathogens or killing women with bacterial vaginosis.
And the WHOLE purpose of the Law of Moses was for the “covenant” with those who carried the “seed” of the Messiah. The purpose was to get the Messiah born and to be able to have true worship honored and restored, or else there would be no purpose.
When atheists read the Bible and state how much they hate God for killing all those “poor” people, we know they have no clue about anything, or what is actually going on even today on earth.
When God destroyed lots of people, I can guarantee you, they were infected, (and full of horrible diseases, hate, lust, multiple infections, and were dancing naked in the streets, raping babies and such), and that would never be allowed by Jehovah God to get near the seed of His son whom God was sending to suffer and die for our sins. Jesus had to come from the absolute best genetics found on earth at that time.
If I were God, as a scientist, I would find the best genes and put them in slavery with the Egyptians for some 430 years, too. The Egyptians would not have sex with the Jews, who were considered worse than pigs as far as they were concerned. It was a terrible dishonor to even want to have sex with them.
So, now we have the best genes available and we isolated them, gave them very hard work, and not such great food. If you want to remove all the weaklings and sickly Jews, that is how you do it. Only the strongest would survive and they did.
Later when the Jews were required to go and fight, they could swing a heavy sword for hours and hours and defeat anyone. Nobody could defeat them in battle. And the Jews ate a lot of meat, full of proteins and vitamins. This was unlike the not so high quality of meat we have today. They were a “bread” and “meat” people. And the bread was SO much better than what we have now.
As I was studying the Bible, it became clear that God is the ultimate MD, PhD, Doctor, Molecular Biologist, and Psychologist. Every rule can be compared to modern science as being 100% correct if you want life and health.
Just for example the “women” being separated during their menses. It is well known know that women and men living in not so hygienic conditions, as living in the wilderness in tents without bathing very much, one would (as a scientist) never want to have sex during mensus. And here is why, blood is about 8,000 to 10,000 times more H+ ions (pH of 7.4) than the vagina’s flora (pH of 2.7 to 4.5), the good bacteria which keeps them from being infected makes hydrogen peroxide as part of the enzyme process of this bacteria. It is designed by God to keep the area where children are made from being infected.
Sperm is 8.0 pH ( over 10,000 times more H+ ions). So when you put sperm and blood in the female area, you destroy the flora, especially in conditions where pathogenic bacteria is present. So, the women were required to NOT have any association with men for the time of the menses and at least one week after. And if a woman “smelled” not so good, she was isolated. They were “tested” afterwards by smell. If they smelled bad, most likely they were going to die from having sex during that time, and got a horrible infection.
As a scientist we do not compare them to modern conditions, where it is very common for women today to get BV but they are treated by MD”s with antibiotics and injecting good flora.
3000+ years ago there were no antibiotics and no cultured flora to help them. They just died. So, God’s mercy and love was shown by this isolation time to protect these women from dying.
And a recent study performed by a team of Doctors sharing research on women’s sexually transmitted infections, shows that women living in areas where there is less bathing get a lot more BV, and especially when having sex with uncircumsized men.
That women living in cultures with less modern toilets, and bathing facilities get 140% more bacterial vaginosis with uncircumcised men. So, today in Africa the WHO, has been sending “Circumcision Vans” around to villages to circumcise men. This is primarily because of the HIV / AIDS epidemic there. Trying to slow it down a bit.
As far as food goes. “Don’t eat bats, don’t touch their carcasses”. Every hear of the COVID 19 pandemic? This is the second bat virus coming out of China, the first was SARS COV1 and the official name of the current one is SARS COV2.
Same with pigs. “Don’t eat pigs, don’t touch their carcasses”.
God did not say; “Listen, if you eat pigs or bats, these creatures have viruses with the same “key” to our receptors in our cells and when this virus is even touched and allowed to enter your body, it uses your cells to replicate like crazy, about 1000 times faster replication than any other virus. This will kill most of you. So don’t eat bats or pigs and don’t even touch their dead carcasses.”
Instead God Said;
Isaiah 48:17
This is what Jehovah says, your Repurchaser, the Holy One of Israel: “I, Jehovah, am your God, The One teaching you to benefit yourself, The One guiding you in the way you should walk.
As a real scientist you can easily see that God’s love is contained in all those “rules” for life and health and specifically for the Jews who had the arduous task of being the “chosen” ones for the Messiah to come through.
It, literally, is a miracle that Christ actually made it to earth.
So, when Christ was born and made it to adulthood, he was the result of the Covenant Law the Jews had to live under. The purpose of the Law.
And today we know that we should follow Jesus’s Law of Love for one another, and not harm each other in anyway. And the rules about sex and cleanliness and not spreading STDs is in full effect, for real Christians. Only marry in the Truth and don’t get INFECTED so your kids will not get more genetic diseases.
Circumcision was no longer required for salvation, taking infected people and killing them is no longer needed because we are not Jews living in the wilderness with NO medical. Stoning an adulteress and adulterer is not required anymore because Christ was born and adultery is still forbidden but the reward is death forever, now as it has always been. Sinning against life and healthy is harming life.
And in Jehovah God’s New earth, no one will ever be allowed to spread diseases, destroy families with divorce, kill anyone, or cultivate and spread pathogenetics sexual diseases ever again. They will be instantly, mercifully, killed and removed from the earth.
Isaiah 65 states that if a man of 100 years old (considered to be a child), were to die, they would be “cursed” by God. “accursed” is the word used. Breaking the Law of Love and Life is a death sentence in the new Kingdom about to come.
For most people living in this New Kingdom the idea of even wanting to harm life will not exist in their being. The normal way of existing is to REALLY LOVE each other and NEVER HARM anyone ever as just he way of being. Sins will not exist in our hearts. Jesus came to help us remove all sins from our being, and we are to cooperate with that process by enduring to the end and NEVER harm anyone, ever. This is how one EARNS eternal life. You are given a free gift of life, but if you screw up, you lose it.
Matthew 7:21
“Not everyone saying to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter into the Kingdom of the heavens, but only the one doing the will of my Father who is in the heavens will.
Matthew 24:13
But the one who has endured to the end will be saved.
Matthew 10:22
And you will be hated by all people on account of my name, but the one who has endured to the end will be saved.
Mark 13:13
And you will be hated by all people on account of my name. But the one who has endured to the end will be saved.