What do JWs think about Geoffrey Jackson's statement during the Australian Royal Commission that is would be quite presumptuous to say that they are the only spokesperson God is using?
He gave a great witness to them. It was pure and from the heart of a really humble servant of God. I recommend every Witness watch his dealing with this evil. It is a tragedy that is going on right now in millions of people’s lives. It is sad that I even know so much about this perversion. But read on and you will find out why I spent so much time going through “microfiche” newspapers (even before the internet) all over the country looking at these cases. It is these countries which are promoting this diseased lifestyle and the country where this takes place is responsible. Not some peer Bible students. It is PRESUMPTUOUS to think that any person on earth can speak for Jehovah God. That is why God’s people ONLY use the Bible. And Brother Jackson waved the Bible in the air and said; “This is our constitution.” If you have pedophiles in your country it is the responsibility of your country to deal with this. I don’t see any TV ads from the US or Australian government addressing this issue. Only Jehovah’s Witnesses have published public awareness on this problem. Keep in mind that at least 1/4 to 1/3 of those guys (according to statistics) who are doing the questioning are pedophiles by research into this problem. Most people have never studied or researched this issue as I have, BECAUSE, my daughter was molested by her “step father”. It is a horrible sexually compulsive disorder— disease and it is only getting worse. Soon, it will be legal to have sex with children. It is already legal in many countries where disease, suffering and death runs (horribly morally degraded) countries. A “bill” was proposed in the US congress that “if a child consents to sex it should be legal.” I am not kidding. Every sort of perversion will be acceptable, because “it is natural” because humans do it. This is how perverts who are now accepted as “normal” believe. The most popular places for pedophiles are day care centers, elementary schools, churches with child programs, boy scouts, girl scouts, any organized children’s summer camp and so it goes. Any place where it is easy to worm your way into a child’s life. Even marry a woman with little girls (or boys) so you can have sex with them. It is a sexual compulsion and most of the perpetrators were molested as children. The highest number of pedophile preachers per capita is in Baptist Churches, the highest number of pedophiles operating as preachers, youth pastors, etc, in any church is in Pentecostal churches. They often have “rings” of pedophiles working and they use the children’s programs to attack their victims. One woman testified. when she was 13, that the “youth pastor” had a special baptism for her, as he raped her, downstairs in a utility closet. The largest ever settlement for a pedophile ring was in a Pentecostal megachurch. It went on for over 40 years before they put them in prison. The pastor was 80 years old when the victims came forward. $1.5 BILLION bucks settlement. The largest ever settlement for a pedophile Church. Just now I read where there is upwards of $4billion against the Churches and massive victims coming forward. Matthew 7:3 Why, then, do you look at the straw in your brother’s eye but do not notice the rafter in your own eye? Luke 6:41 Why, then, do you look at the straw in your brother’s eye but do not notice the rafter in your own eye? The Jehovah’s Witnesses are not the police, and he clearly stated that if there was a law in Australia where a person who never saw the crime (hearsay is not allowed in any court) and only heard of it from a single person, then they would report it. Only people who are actual witnesses of the crime are allowed to testify MD’s examining the child or psychologists who examine the child or a person or even police who saw this crime taking place. A peer Bible Student who never saw anything is not allowed to even call the police to say they know of a crime, because they don’t know of a crime as an actual witness of a crime. Hearsay is not admissible even in a 911 call. “Did you see this happen?” …answer “No”. Then you have nothing to do with the crime and the 911 person my just think it is a crank call. If there is a law made that anyone who even hears of a crime would be, themselves, criminalized for not reporting then we would report it. But that is basically an insane law, because there is no way for a citizen to even recognize most crimes going on. Jehovah’s Witnesses are “sticklers” for the Truth, and if you tell a ‘rumor’ heard, you might be a liar by your belief in the rumor. This is why we have many studies on NOT gossiping. It is a rumor (and could easily be a lie) to speak when you don’t have all the facts. Examples: * Your neighbor’s house was robbed, and you saw a delivery guy going up to the door with a box. The guy was disguised as a delivery person with all the Amazon clothing. He robs the place and you are held as a criminal for not reporting it. * Your neighbors boyfriend is seen with her daughter taking here for a “walk in the woods”. You see this quite often but think nothing of it as they are “nice neighbors”. Now you are arrested for not reporting it. Here is another perfect example of what I am saying: My daughter finally came and told me what this creep was doing to her, with some details. How he would take her out in the “barn” where he worked and do things to her. How he “would come into the shower with her”, and so I called the authorities and alerted them, because I am the father (and even though I was in a “religion” at that time I would never ask them to call the police, because that is just STUPID) . I contacted my lawyer and ask him how to handle it. He also told me to not go anywhere near that guy. I had dreams of smashing his head and watching his brains explode. Even so, I was not allowed to even testify at this trial, as to what my daughter said to me…. MY OWN DAUGHTER. So, why on earth does anyone think that a peer minister in a kingdom hall who hears this can testify to anyone or even call the police and say; “I heard this girl say that so and so molested her.” How lame is that. And what if she was actually lying because she wants to have mommy and daddy back together, and her friend told her how to get rid of this “step dad” that is keeping daddy away. That is how kids think. And if she really was molested, why doesn’t she tell mom? Mothers and Fathers need to call the police and have the child looked at by medical to see if something took place. A preacher is never going to even be allowed to examine a child. And there are NO elders in Jehovah’s witnesses qualified to even ask a child what happened because they don’t even know how to talk to a molested child. Only professionals who are trained to recognize a molested child can do that. Unless they are an MD and have at least two female nurses present, they can’t even examine the child’s parts to see if any perversion was done. UNDERSTAND.. YET? After they are convicted and proven to be perverts, 99.99% of the time they are disfellowshipped, and can no longer be a Jehovah’s Witness. They are publicly humiliated in the congregation (every member knows what they did) and they are to be shunned and never even spoken to. That is another reason I love being a Jehovah’s Witness. Horrible sinners who cannot stop sinning are removed and recognized and not allowed to even talk to congregation members. That is such a good protection against evil in the congregations. Would you go to a place of worship where they let pedophiles near your children or let them sit near children? Most Churches are allowing the most heinous sinners to be near your children. And many of them are priests and pastors, “fathers” and “baba’s” or fake “guru’s” like Rajneesh who had sex orgies. And in case you missed most cases on this as I have studied them. It takes MORE than one child to come forward before the authorities do anything of value, because most children are horrible witnesses to their own molestation. And a guy masturbating in front of a child leaves no physical evidence, but it is still a horrible thing to show a child. The middle eastern religion has this thing called “thighing” where they masturbate between the child’s thighs, even baby’s thighs and is approved until the girl is 9 then they can be raped. 1 John 5:19 We know that we originate with God, but the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one. Usually it is many years later when these victims come forward; often as adults. That is why it takes years and many victims to come forward to put these creeps in prison. The child’s testimony is vague and confusing to them, because it is a deeply emotional harm, and they feel as though they did something wrong; every time. This is one of the most insidious crimes against innocence there is on the planet. The child feels THEY did something wrong. UNDERSTAND that! How Jehovah’s Witnesses handle this is the absolute best it could ever possibly be handled by ANY organization. Continual education on this subject to the congregation for many years. Telling parents to call the police if they suspect this. That is one of the many reasons why I am a Jehovah’s Witness. It is the laws of most lands that “clergy” (there is no clergy in Jehovah God’s organization) is not required to report anything to the police. There is no “clergy” in Jehovah’s Witnesses. We are all peer Bible Students and that is all we are. And because we know the Bible in great detail we share that knowledge with others, out of love for our fellow humans, in order to give them a chance for life. No one is allowed to have any power over anyone, because every Jehovah’s Witness is an ordained minister. All they do is READ THE BIBLE and talk about the Bible. And they go and share what they learned with others in door to door or any form they can to find people who want to know the Truth about what is going on. And no perverts are allowed to be Jehovah’s Witnesses, nor preach nor say anything. And every apostate is a pervert by definition. Most succumbed to sexual disorders that own them. So, because Jehovah’s Witnesses follow the laws of the land, and the Bible, very closely, Brother Jackson said: “Make the law and we will follow it.” The Catholics will hate this law. We won’t. The Jehovah’s Witnesses have a long history of educating the congregation to call the police if and when they witness a crime. Elders are just ordinary people with no legal and usually not medical, background and only are there for spiritual aid. They are NOT THE POLICE; not trained in any of this. If you witness a crime, then you are to report it to the police, not to your priest or to any one taking the lead in a religious organization. The fact that the child’s parents are Jehovah’s Witnesses and the pervert is pretending to be a JW, has nothing to do with this problem. That is what Geoffrey Jackson said pretty much. “The Bible is our constitution in the organization” “The Bible is THE ONLY SPOKESPERSON FOR GOD”; as Jackson said. Anyone who actually follows the Bible as written and understands it would be a Jehovah’s Witness. I have not seen any other “group” who have even the slightest grasp what God’s message in the Bible is. He read the scripture that states CLEARLY that we follow the laws of every land we are in, unless they defy God’s most serious commands. For instance we will not murder, not steal. not lie, no do anything against God’s laws. But there is no law that we have to report to the police something we heard about. It doesn't even happen with non-christians that they have to report a crime. Many times they don’t because they don’t want the wrath of these organized gangs. One of the major reasons I became a Witness was because of the safety for children at any Kingdom activity. My daughter was molested by a pedophile and I did a long study on this issue because of that. There are NO children’s programs and no possible way for a pedophile to operate in any religious activity. If you go to a Kingdom Hall you will see the children are in the main hall with their parents. There is no way for any creep to operate in any of the Kingdom activities. Out “in service” door to door they must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. This is why it is always the parents who are responsible for their children, not the elders. It is only when naïve (lacking wisdom and knowledge) parents let a pedophile near their children that this takes place. And pedophiles are experts at manipulation, lying and pretending to be “holy”, or “professional” and getting the “sex” they want. That is why they target naïve parents. “Oh! honey it is ok for you to go out in service with brother “so and so”, he is a good brother.” Never do that even with a brother you have known for years. It is such a compulsive diseases and is so powerful in these perverts they will pretend to be whatever it takes to get sex. James Arjuna's answer to What do you think of the Jehovah's Witnesses? ———————————————————————— 1/ First of all the “numbers” of pedophiles found in JW’s keep, magically, rising on this. Whereas, most legal cases the number go down over time… proven false charges. 2/ It is the responsibility of parents to protect their kids. You, the parents, were the ones who trusted “father so and so” “brother joe” or “uncle bob that nice guy”, “sister Sarah” and let them have access to your child alone with them. Not the responsibility of some “carpenter” or “engineer” elders who work at construction or designing computer chips, to do the JOB OF THE MOTHER OR FATHER. That is to call the police when your son or daughter comes to you. Most often you will find the mother thinks the child lying (she believes in this “loving” fake brother or sister with this compulsive disease) and so the crime continues. Then when the child goes to a counsellor in school and an investigation starts, the “mother is shocked” that this “perfect example of a JW” is doing this. This happens all the time. And then the mother or father starts pointing fingers at everyone but herself for being so stupid. And there are many signs of your child being molested. Peeing the bed, not speaking about something YOU KNOW they are hiding; being quiet and a change in their normal behavior, outbursts of anger for NO reason and many others. If you see some of this, you need to sit down and be extremely kind and understanding to your child. It is very difficult for them to even talk to the most trusted person, their mother. 3/ It is the responsibility of the government (whom are often filled with sex perverts and pedophiles) to put these people in prison and have their sex organs cut off or whatever they need to do to stop this horrible crime. In my opinion, (not the GB) it is better to lose an organ or an eye, that to lose your life. Once your child has been molested you may feel the same way about this crime as I do. Cut off their testes and shorten their penis, so they CAN NEVER do this to another child. Because, once they are back out of prison, they will 90% of the time do it again to other children. Then for not doing this you are guilty of letting them do it again and ruining another child’s sex life forever. Understand! This is strictly my opinion. These sex crime registries on the internet are almost never even looked at by parents. But you should look them up because they live in your neighborhood. Look at their photos and learn where they live. 4/ It is the responsibility of the government to make laws to make it so that, as Brother Jackson stated; “Make the law” (that any religious people must turn in this crime even though they have no personal, first hand, and not hearsay evidence,) “and we will follow it”. The Catholics made up this law of clergy confidential “confession”, so that they had more power over the people. Even the pope will not report a sex pervert in their organization because there is no law they must. 5/ It is the parents responsibility to protect their kids and to KNOW HOW TO BE A PARENT. It is not the responsibility of ANYONE ELSE. It never has been and never will be anyone else to blame. 6/ There is no place in any Kingdom Activity where a pervert can operate. It is just not possible. It can only happen at people’s private homes where these perverts will operate. Many times a pedophile will marry a woman (desperate for a man) just to get to her kids. 7/ It is in Jehovah’s Witnesses OFFICIAL teaching in writing. “If you see a crime call the authorities.” Has been for as long as I can remember. It is only these perverts, who used position to intimidate and tell these kids not to speak or some horrible thing will happen to them and their parents. The kids normally believe them. Just ask these kids what this guy told them. Kids are generally weak and easily intimidated, (extremely embarrassed over this) and easy to lie to. And they make horrible witnesses in this crime, because they FEEL SO GUILTY because “it feels good for those past puberty, and they liked that part” as these perverts, generally, do make this kids have thier first orgasm and such. The younger kids have no clue at all what is going on. “it just hurts”. The kids feel as though they did something horribly wrong, and that is a real sin that happened to them. They are harmed and carry this for life, screwed up for life and may never have a decent sexual experience even in marriage. This is so common today that it should make a sane person cry, instead of judging others they know nothing about. These who worm their way into the private lives of families, win confidence and rape children. It is not in the Bible to do this and so these perverts, in many cases, were never Jehovah’s Witnesses to begin with. They just see it as an opportunity. Yes, as a parent of a girl who was molested, my guilt for being so ignorant at the time, will never leave me. And I know the truth on this better than anyone. I KNOW I AM AT FAULT for being so ignorant at the time this crime was going on. And any parent who puts the blame elsewhere is not living in reality. Again, the parents are the GUARDIANS OF THEIR CHILDREN. That means you learn how to be a GUARDIAN for the safety of your children. Learn all the “signs” of abuse. If I could have KNOWN the signs of childhood abuse as I do now, I could have stopped this very fast. It is gullible and ignorant, naïve parents who are at fault for being so ignorant. You parents must learn what it is to be a real parent, especially today. I regret not knowing what to look for and how to deal with it. Don’t you be like that. Believe me you will never forgive yourself, once you realize how easy it is to see the signs and do something to help your child. And for “goodness sakes” don’t ever leave your child with anyone for some “private time” alone. It is a very sick world out there. Jehovah’s Witnesses have been teaching about this for decades to parents. It is the responsibility of parents to protect their kids. Not the responsibility of some “carpenter” elders who work at construction to do the JOB OF THE GUARDIANS, MOTHER OR FATHER. And it is certainly not Jehovah’s fault, he just made the rules and we need to follow them, if we want life. Blaming God for some evil person, is nuts. God never does anything evil. James 1:13–15 God just gave us all the warnings. I just gave you all the warnings I know of, so far. The job of all elders, is to teach the Bible not to be the police. And they only removed “bonafide” perverts from the congregation. Those who admit they cannot stop harming people are removed. And one that the parents turned, (not the elders), into the laws and are proven by a criminal case beyond the shadow of a doubt to be guilty, for sure are removed. I am an expert on pedophilia as I did the study on this disease. And according to evidence 1/3 of those people who were “prosecuting” Jehovah’s Witnesses are perverts and are pedophiles by definition. It could be much greater sins if you count all of their sins they practice every day. In Australia they have massive numbers of pedophiles. And they teach that a 13 year old girl who doesn’t give sex is a “prude” and to be scorned. No kidding. “What’s wrong with you. Sex is good.” “Are you some sort of prude, or sexually messed up. Why aren’t you giving sex?” And they have NO guidance from parents on this that I know of. And of course parents are the ones who should do all “sex education” and not any school. The actual culture today, worldwide, breeds pedphiles and perversions. It is actually amazing that more are not found. Australia also takes the “prize” for having the fastest rise of sexually transmitted diseases of any “civilized” country. and the fastest rise in cancer: 229% rise in invasive cancer in 25 years. Only the Czech Republic comes close. Even Africa doesn’t have that fast of rise in these horrible diseases. Before one speaks, one needs to know the subject and the evidence at least know anything at all about the subject which most people have no clue. It is a serious mental emotional disease; this sexual perversion, and it cannot be cured by any human ideas. As far as I know, no pedophile has ever been “cured”. If any pervert can come out of darkness and STOP sinning they can find life. This is in the Bible. That includes you for not knowing what you are talking about and lying about God’s Holy People. One who sins by lying about Jehovah’s Witnesses is a full blown liar and of the worst kind. The Bible has been teaching this thing of lying is one of the major sins. But when people tell lies with the most “sincere” and “self righteous” beliefs, “My pastor is a good guy, would not do that.” Really, how do you know? Many pastors are pedophies and sex addicts, fornicators and adulterers. If you have no first hand information about the activities of your pastor, you can’t say anything. One of the good things about Jehovah’s Witnesses is how all perverts are removed and humiliated and shunned, for their inability to live up to God’s High Standards. We are the ONLY spirit driven faith, who have these standards that ALL must live up to. And every apostate is a pervert by clear Bible definitions. So, which is it? We are supposed to keep pedophiles and all perverts and apostates, in our Congregations or are we to remove them as the Bible teaches? My mother who hated false religions and their greedy preachers as well as these lying politicians, had a great respect for the Truth. If you don’t know with absolutely irrefutable evidence about which you speak, “keep your delusional garbage to yourself”, because that is all it is without irrefutable first hand evidence; is what she said. She was a curser as well. She and my dad were well read on most subjects. Gossip is considered to be lying, because you are repeating things you have no evidence on. God hates it. From my deep research into this, perverts are everywhere. And it is TOTALLY THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE MOTHER AND FATHER (or legal guardian) TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR CHILDREN. Repeat that you parents over and over until you get it. You cannot blame anyone else when your child in your protection is molested. Again, you are the guardian of your children. Nobody else is responsible for the safety of YOUR children. The authorities only take on prosecution of these perverts AFTER you let them near your kids. They cannot protect your child against this insidious crime against your babies. You must be the guardian and know how to protect your kids. This stupid idea that some “church” is responsible for you as a parent: 1/ Not teaching your kids that “clergy of Christendom” is one of the number one places where pedophile rings operate. “google it”. Second is day care centers, summer camps, and any place where these perverts know the kids are left away from parents. Any parent who allows their child to go to “christian or public schools, summer camp or any camp today” should be considered to be insane. I can guarantee there is a pedophile there for sure. They may miss attacking your kid this time, but some kid is for sure is molested/raped there. 2/ To not be so gullible as to allow your kid to have any “private time” with any adult EVER, no matter how much you “love” this guy or woman (Yes women are pedophiles) and trust them. NO CLOSED DOORS hiding with your child. No private walks in the woods, no private time ever. How stupid does a parent have to be to allow such an event to take place? Pedophiles are experts at pretending to be “good people” just as those serial murderers who go to church every Sunday after killing on Saturday. The worst excuse is: “I thought he was a good guy.” Believe me no, “good person” wants private time with your kids, except for these psychologists/psychiatrists MDs. who are testing the child to see if they have been molested (after the fact) , but normally the child is being observed by several nurses as well. They will use dolls and see what the child does, in imitating the perversion by touching the dolls private parts. It amazes me how little people know about this and call themselves parents. 3/As soon as you suspect a pervert (even if you might be wrong) because you can see the signs in your daughter (are educated on this subject, which you are not at this time.), or son, you need to call the police and report it, and let them investigate. Don’t go to the “church officials”. Call the police just as the Governing Body has been teaching for decades. Have your child examined by experts. 4/ NEVER tell any lies to your child. No Santa crap, no easter bunny crap, no tooth fairy, not even the magical “cake god’” because once they find out you lied they will not trust you enough to tell you they have been molested. They will believe the pedophile over you. You lied to them after all. And often when the child comes to the parents, they NEVER believe that “nice uncle Joe, who loves children” could do such a thing. That is how ignorant people are. “Now, Suzy, you know it is not nice to lie about uncle Jo or Pastor Fuzzy, so stop it right now.” How does your mother know Suzy is a liar? Because mom taught her it is OK to tell lies. So that when the truth is spoken, mom doesn’t believe her own child. I call this the “family heirloom passed down for generations that lying is OK.” Your mom lied to you about Santa and the rest of that pagan crap, so it is Ok to lie to your kids and you gave full approval to your child to lie to you. The “FAMILY HEIRLOOM”. There are many teachings on https://JW.ORG on how to handle crimes of any sort and on how you can attain life forever. And we have been teaching for over 50 years that I know of how to protect your children form these perverts. “Father forgive them for they don’t know what they are doing.”— Jesus Christ. “I am giving you this commandment; That you LOVE one another, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” Jesus Christ [paraphrased] Being a parent in this horrible world of evil, is not easy. It is not getting any easier, and so we need to pray for all those who have children in this system doing all they can to protect their children, teach, and give them a decent life.. [When I drive past a school, I think, OH! God! those poor kids being in this rotting world of extreme diseases, mental illnesses, perverts everywhere!” Almost none are prepared to deal with this world. “You must forgive one another” (including asking forgiveness from God) for being imperfect and wanting God’s love to shine in our lives, and to not take horrible sides against the Truth. I know that Jehovah has forgiven me for my stupidity, and even when I was ignorant about this crime, I still find it difficult to forgive myself. As a parent it is one of those “imperfections” we have, but need to work on. “Father forgive them for they don’t know what they are doing.”— Jesus Christ. And God is also correct on Blood. Jehovah’s Witnesses don’t hang out with perverts, who like and spread diseases.