"It is far easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled" Mark Twain
The title of this should be: "What is a True Person Who Loves Life?"
The title of this should be: "What is a True Person Who Loves Life?"
Using Christ, as a political tool is pretty disgusting and Christ did teach about this and warned about it; that it would happen.
A true christian and congregation does this as far as I can tell from my 62 years of study:
(Not necessarily in any order but simultaneously):
1/ No paid preachers of truth. Sustenance and covering is enough. In real Christianity the need for money is never a motivation. We do not sell salvation or sell some idea of "jesus" not found in the Bible. (In many decent religions the monks, sadhus, sanyasis, are renunciates.) Christ's example is he took no money from anyone, but all His needs were provided for. It shows utter lack of understanding and faith to put greed as a motivation to pray to God, . "Put you hand on top of the TV and send us your money and we'll pray for you." Noone can come between you and God except for the Messiah, the Christ who is our mediator. And the Bible is clear on who can take the lead in the congregations.
2/ Never go to start war or enter another country with an army. Never joins any army or works to make death in any way. (Don't make weapons of mass destruction.)There is only one morality in the Bible: Love for life or love for death. No real Christian would kill another Christian or another person who happens to live in some foreign country or in a civil war. It is better to be put in prison than to fight in a war that is based on greed power and any form of human greed, lust, desire, fear, hate, nationalism etc.
Note: The Jews when exiled to the wilderness, were told by Jehovah to kill certain people and Jehovah used "hot sulfur" to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah* , because they would cause diseases, death and destruction to the genetics of the Jews at that time. It was necessary to do this because God's will had to be done to get the Messiah born with the best healthy genetics possible. Now that the Messiah has been born and established as the Savior of mankind, there is no need to war with anyone. And God's Kingdom is about to take over and destroy this one anyway. It is a waste of time thinking we can fix this world. Humans have already destroyed humanity and all chance of health and sanity. Only God can "fix" you and get you into the new system.
Note: The Jews when exiled to the wilderness, were told by Jehovah to kill certain people and Jehovah used "hot sulfur" to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah* , because they would cause diseases, death and destruction to the genetics of the Jews at that time. It was necessary to do this because God's will had to be done to get the Messiah born with the best healthy genetics possible. Now that the Messiah has been born and established as the Savior of mankind, there is no need to war with anyone. And God's Kingdom is about to take over and destroy this one anyway. It is a waste of time thinking we can fix this world. Humans have already destroyed humanity and all chance of health and sanity. Only God can "fix" you and get you into the new system.
3/ No sex outside of marriage. ("Don't spread diseases", and don't destroy the sacred trust in marriage; is the same exact thing.) Marriage sacred according to God, and is a man and woman. Stay married for life and keep the family structure for the sake of health and life: for the sake of the children. No divorce except for:
Matthew 19:9
I say to you that whoever divorces his wife, except on the grounds of sexual immorality, and marries another commits adultery.”
4/ Don't spread diseases. The USA has some 120,000,000 cases of STD's, that is close to 1/3 the population including children, and we have the most rapid rise of genetic diseases and babies born with serious deformity of any "civilized" country. In more degraded, "third world" countries there levels of birth defects is really sad to see and we are heading in the same direction. Just 20 years of sexual morality, no sex if you are infected ever, and all STD's would go away. It really is the ONLY "cure". To destroy communicable diseases you simple stop spreading and cultivating them.
5/ Do not change the wording in the Bible to fit a dogma. This is actually IN the Bible, not to adjust it to fit your sick, political dogma. True Christians follow the Bible teaching as best as they can. (The biggest thing wrong with the King James Version is the "King" part.) Get a copy of the original text translated into your language.
6/ No monetary pagan based holidays simply for economic (greed) reasons. Religion that feeds the economic systems are not about Truth. Truth has no economic basis. But you can do an honest days work for an honest days pay and have sustenance and covering as enough. Most true Christians try to simplify their lives and focus on Bible teachings. The reason for not worshiping on pagan holidays is to separate yourself from evil and to align with Jehovah God's rules of "no false worship". I think it is "rule #1 of the Ten Commandments."
7/ Always give willingly to help the weak and sick that cannot fend for themselves, but never promotes laziness and living on the dole.
8/ Willing to defend against attacks but never go "rape pillage and murder" for profits. You shall not steal; You shall not murder. You shall not commit adultery. and so on. Going to war for any reason other than defense to save lives is evil. This is what Gandhi was talking about, ie, England's rape pillage and murders in India. (Now England is trying to blame religion for this and promotes the new “Christ” Darwin and pseudo science. That they are modern sophisticated scientific and make their own morals..and "screw Jehovah's silly rules". )
“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”
Mahatma Gandhi
The British have a long history of rape, pillage and murder in the name of the "church". They never realized that the church has nothing in common with Jehovah or Christ, except these murderous people used Christ as a political tool.
The British have a long history of rape, pillage and murder in the name of the "church". They never realized that the church has nothing in common with Jehovah or Christ, except these murderous people used Christ as a political tool.
9/ Never promotes nationalism, racism, boundaries, riches, but only promotes harmony and unity among people. The Truth in reality promotes unity health and harmony. Lies and deception, like evolutionism vs creationism, racism, nationalism or “Jesus wants you rich.” "Our race is special" is a big lie. (the earth is 6000 years old and stupid nonsense) (false sciences) cause division as we can see.
10/ Has no political affiliation. Does not vote for any politician nor do they associate with political parties. Does not promote political causes. Christians are not really members of any country in this current world. They may be born there, but they don't promote the diseased lifestyles of a country. Voting for someone who kills people makes you blood guilty and is a sin by participation. Christians are alien residents of this wicked world and are only residence of Gods Kingdom and Jehovah God's Kingdom to come, of peace, love, and understanding.
10/ Has no political affiliation. Does not vote for any politician nor do they associate with political parties. Does not promote political causes. Christians are not really members of any country in this current world. They may be born there, but they don't promote the diseased lifestyles of a country. Voting for someone who kills people makes you blood guilty and is a sin by participation. Christians are alien residents of this wicked world and are only residence of Gods Kingdom and Jehovah God's Kingdom to come, of peace, love, and understanding.
11/ Works on themselves to improve and be better fit examples of Christ's teaching. Follow Christ's teaching on how to live.
12/ Never condemns others. (We are all full of sin.) Never forces dogma on others. Offers direction to others Allows others to learn as they ask for direction. Spreads the Truth, but is not forceful about it. Understands that we are all "sinners" and we are only saved by the same methods that saved us.
13/ Lives as healthy as possible. A real Christian never smokes, takes illegal drugs, or even eats bad foods known to cause harm. Never takes prescription drugs knowing they screw up your brain or destroy body functions (as most do).
14/ Pays taxes and “gives to Caesar what belongs to Caesar”; while at the same time not being part of this system of suffering and death promoted by ignorance of God's laws for life and happiness. Never is at odds with any government, and simply lets those governments continue to destroy themselves as they always do.
15/ Husbands are responsible, loyal and take lead role in protecting and providing for the family and children. Makes the final decisions on where the family lives, budget, schools, education for the children etc.
16/ Mothers are clean and nurturing, teaching health and kindness to children. Never, cuts the “balls” off their man (undermines and destroys husbands integrity). Gives counsel on decisions but is willing to allow husband to make final decisions (and make mistakes to learn from and grow stronger as a man). This is one of the strongest ways to make your man strong and responsible.
17/ Honest and fair in all business dealings. Never participates in lawsuits as a plaintiff. Only answers to lawsuits as required by law and only with absolute truth.
18/ Promotes “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”, (sound familiar?). Funny but this is the basis for all forms of absolute morality: Good is that which promotes True Knowledge, Health, Life and Joy for Living.
Evil: Actions promoting, ignorance, division, fear, spreading diseases, and shorter lives with earlier deaths. Pretty much what we have with all the governments so far. Human governments are all failures.
19/ No adoration (worship) of any other man. No priest class; no class division at all. No honoring of people and status like the modern professors are to be worshiped as the new high priests of garbage state owned religious "science" or any garbage like they deserve anything special. No statues in the congregation of humans. Any Church using the old Roman "robes and trappings" is not a Christian congregation. (If Christ were alive in body today, I doubt very much he would be a "Christian". )
20. Has no statues or idols in any house of worship. No crosses, no "virgin Mary's" or any other idol worship as was directed in the FIRST commandment from God. (If they cannot follow the commandments in the way the Church is designed, then they certainly don't care about God's laws.) Emotionalism is part of our diseased condition. Promoting emotionalism in the congregation is not how to teach the Truth.
21/ Uses Christ's perfect example of how to be.
22/ Follows the 10 commandments and the mosaic law as best as possible. Understands why it is done and why it pertains to Jesus teaching.
The reason why fake "Christians" have a bad rap, is because they don't follow these conditions of being a Christian. Therefor, if you kill people for Jesus or God, (God and country) you are not a Christian. If you don't pay taxes ,you are not a Christian. If you sue your brother, you are not a Christian. If you steal, have sex outside of marriage, eat bad foods, take lots of illegal drugs, are an alcoholic, are not a good father and set back and have your wife make decisions, etc, you are not a Christian. Most Christian religions do not follow the Bible and still have some really screwed up dogma that is NOT contained in any scriptures. The reason the Bible seems contradictory, is because they cannot understand it and why it doesn't fit their dogma.