Saturday, October 1, 2022

Blood Transfusions are deadly.

 Jehovah, the Creator of the universe forbids blood transfusions.

It is in the Bible, and if people don’t obey God’s Laws for health and life then they are not Christians.

James Arjuna's answer to How many Jehovah's Witnesses have died from refusing blood transfusion? How many JWs went against their teachings and allowed blood transfusions for their children? Were they disfellowshipped?

There is FAR MORE RISK OF KILLING YOUR CHLID BY GIVING THEM BLOOD than not giving blood: proven statistically by actual cases. And when the patient dies from the blood transfusion, that is not usually on the death certificate. “They died from complications in surgery” or whatever. The smart thing a parent would do is to refuse to put that poison in your child. This is why all of the latest training on doing major surgery is ALL about doing it without the poison of blood.

And if you live, you live in Jehovah, if you die you die in Jehovah.

A new perspective on best transfusion practices

bloodless surgery - PMC - NCBI

Not giving blood is the BEST solution to this problem. People heal much faster and there is a much better chance of living without the poison that your body recognizes as poison blood. Proven over and over by studies.

Adverse events related to blood transfusion

The REAL question is how many millions of patients have died because they were given a blood transfusion?

Opinion | My Husband Died of Blood-Transfused AIDS (Published 1991)

Wife describes husband's horrific death after he was given infected blood

Woman diagnosed as HIV-positive 3 years after husband's death

Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection in Transfusion Recipients and Their Family Members

After death of St. Luke’s patient, review uncovers 122 issues with blood labels over four-month period

Woman died following transfusion of wrong blood type: Report

Bad Blood? Why Transfusions from Women May Be Risky for Men

How a mysterious ailment ended Eleanor Roosevelt's life

Infected blood inquiry hears evidence from woman who lost two husbands

Precautions and Adverse Reactions During Blood Transfusion - Blood Disorders - Merck Manuals Consumer Version

If you love your children, love your spouse, you would never allow any MD to put that poison in them.

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